VEINCAS "deep detection technology" won the national invention patent certificate
Source: | Author:VEINCAS | vivolight | Published time: 2016-08-08 | 2126 Views | Share:

On June 29, 2016, "a method and prompting system for deep venous blood vessel recognition", which embodies the research results of vivolight R&D team's efforts, won the national invention patent certificate issued by the State Intellectual Property Office (patent number: ZL2014 1 0494365.4, Authorization announcement date: June 29, 2016).

In September 2013, the first-generation projection vein finer was officially launched into the market. As a new product from scratch, the promotion of the first-generation product was not as smooth as we imagined. Nurses generally believe that it is not enough for our products to find blood vessels. It is better to identify the depth of blood vessels, so as to better judge the angle of needle insertion and accurately puncture the needle. The nurses' feedback in one sentence not only expresses their immediate needs, but also points out the direction for our product upgrade and improvement. In order to meet market demand and enhance the core competitiveness of products, vivolight decided to develop "vascular depth identification" technology after scientific project evaluation and full risk estimation.

In September 2014, only one year after the project was established, the depth recognition function independently developed by vivolight was successfully developed. This core technology was loaded into our infrared angiography, and the national invention patent was declared at the same time. The projection vein finer with the depth recognition function has been put into the market and received good feedback, and the competitiveness of the product in the market has risen rapidly.